Titan World Early Release Week – Tarina Deaton

Titan World Early Release Week


It's been a busy, busy week. This past Monday, Rescued Heart and the rest of the Titan World books released early on iBooks. It's been super exciting and I've loved seeing everyone's reactions to reading my contribution and hearing about how much they loved Stitched Up Heart, as well.

I always feel weird gushing about someone liking my book, but it's a good feeling – knowing someone enjoyed the words you put to paper.

Releasing as part of Titan World has been especially enjoyable as everyone has been so supportive. I'm not going to lie, one of the reasons I was so excited to be invited to participate is because of Team Titan. It's supportive and positive and uplifting and (relatively) drama free. I love that everyone jokes and is silly but as soon as someone posts ‘I need help', whether it's prayers or advice or just to rant about something that happened at work, there's three dozen people lifting them up and telling them ‘you've got this'. There not enough of that in the world.

And getting to know the other authors in the group has been a blast. They're all so talented and I am so humbled to be included in this group.

In addition to all that, I spent last weekend scrubbing my house from top to bottom to move out of it and into my sister's house for the next two weeks. Holy sh*t! I'm moving half way around the world in two weeks!! I swear I thought there was one more week in January. I still need to organize all the flotsam and jetsam and pack it into five suitcases. I see a lot of laundry in my future. *Ugh. I hate laundry.*

In all that mix, I'm a judge for a couple of writing contests AND I'm trying to write the novella between Stitched Up Heart and Locked Down Heart, plot out Locked Down Heart because it's giving me fits, and do all the last minute stuff for my move.

I need to make a list.

Oh! And Stitched Up Heart is on sale for a limited time for 99¢