2017 – A Year in Review – Tarina Deaton

2017 – A Year in Review

As most people probably do, I'm looking back at 2017 and wondering, “Where did it go?” In one sense, I feel like I accomplished so much, but I still wonder what more I could have done.

Writing wise, I published two full novels and two novellas. That feels so strange to put that in writing because I'm such a slow writer. Part of that is I'm a natural procrastinator and work better against a deadline. Part of it is life – being a single, full-time working mom is hard. Sometimes I just want to sit down with a glass of wine, turn off my brain, and veg. Then go to bed and sleep.

Personally, I was finally accepted to a job I've been trying to get for 15 years. In February, my twins and I moved half-way across the world, far away from friends and family. To say it's been an adjustment is an understatement, but I wouldn't change any of it. We've made so many new friends and have been fortunate enough to be able to take a couple of fabulous trips – Scotland in June and Abu Dhabi in November to see a friend I haven't seen in more than 20 years. My twins are going to experience cultures and explore the world in ways that I wouldn't have been able to give them if I had taken an assignment somewhere in the U.S.

Next year we're going to Egypt, the Netherlands, Wales, possibly Jordan, and then back to the U.S. for the summer. There are a few more trips I want to add in there if I can swing it and several more planned for 2019.

We've been incredibly blessed and I am so grateful for the opportunities 2017 brought and everyone's support throughout the year.

I look forward to even more adventures in 2018!

Happy New Year.
