I Don’t Usually Do This – Tarina Deaton

I Don’t Usually Do This

I use a pen name. There are several reasons, the main one being I’m still active duty. One of the things I’m careful of is to not review a book using my pen name. Seriously, who am I to critique another author? Good or bad. I’ve only released four books. Don't get me wrong, I've critiqued stories as a critique partner and have been a beta reader for other authors, but I don't review books after they've been published, especially those of well established authors. That’s like a high school track runner giving Usain Bolt tips on how to increase his pace. I’ll promote, I’ll share, I’ll say whether I liked/love a book, but I don’t review (although I guess that's technically a review).

I’m breaking that rule for Jessica Scott. Specifically, her Falling series. Every single book of this series is full of gut wrenching emotion. Sobbing, ugly cry, “oh my god, did someone die?”, raw emotion. Maybe it hits me so hard because I’m a female service member. Maybe it’s because I’m an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran and every issue these book characters face are issues that I’ve had to face or have had to help my friends face. 

I write tormented veterans and I think I do a damn good job of giving voice to some the issues veterans face, but I swear it’s as if Jessica reached into my heart and soul and poured my thoughts and feelings onto the page. This is the level and depth of writing I aspire to. 

I follow Jessica on social media, so I know she struggled with her latest book in the series, Until We Fall (available now on her web site) and even contemplated not finishing the book. I don’t know what the struggle was, but I’m glad she pushed through. Are there a few loose ends I wish had been tied up a little neater? Sure. But I’m just happy to have been able to read this book. It’s emotional and powerful and hopeful. It’s also a HFN, so if you like your romances tied up in a tidy married with 2.5 kids and a white picket fence, this is not the book for you. 

Honestly, I love that. Life is HFN, because it continues. It grows and changes and evolves. Hopefully, into something stronger and more powerful. The great thing about Jessica Scott’s books is that she gives you that, too. You know these characters are going to be all right because they’ve been through the worst of the storm and they come out the other side stronger for having weathered it.

Why did I decide to review under my pen name? For the same reason I usually don't review under my pen name – because reviewing as an author carries a little more weight than reviewing as a fan…even a still wet behind the ears, indie author like me. And because I admire Jessica as not only a reader/fan, but as a veteran, a female service member, and especially as an author.