Never, Ever Again #MFRWAuthor – Tarina Deaton

Never, Ever Again #MFRWAuthor

This week’s blogging challenge was a hard one. Not because I had a hard time coming up with something I’d like to never do again, but because I had a hard time narrowing it down to one thing. There are so many things I’d like to never have to do again. Folding laundry and dishes being at the top of the list. Right under that is cleaning up after my kids.

No wait — it’s listening to my kids whine about everything. My son is currently whining because I won’t go get him apple juice. Right now, this is at the top of my list. Second behind that is my kids hanging on me all the time. When do they start the pretending-you-don’t-exist phase?

Back to the one task I’d never like to do again. I hate folding laundry. I don’t mind doing it. I’m great with sorting and washing. It’s the folding and putting away that gets me. I dated a guy who had a washer and dryer in his apartment so I would take my laundry over there. I had an agreement with his roommate that I would wash his clothes if he would fold mine. It was great!

Dishes are another thing I don’t like to do. I know…I know. How hard is it to load the dishwasher and wash the dishes? Unfortunately, after wrestling food into my kids’ mouths and stomaches, getting them into the bath, and convincing them that no, today is no different from the other 2010 days of their lives and yes, they do have to go to bed after stories, I usually fall asleep with my kids and the dishes do not get done. At least that night. I’m pretty good about loading the dishwasher in the morning and running it before I leave for work.

What’s the one task you’d like to never do again?