There’s No Such Thing #MFRWAuthor – Tarina Deaton

There’s No Such Thing #MFRWAuthor

Week 8's writing prompt is: Worst Writing Advice I’ve Ever Received

I thought about skipping this week since I don’t have a response. Is it weird that I’ve never received bad advice or indicative of the support I've received from my fellow authors?

Instead, I’m going to offer up my advice — take it for what it’s worth.

Don’t let someone tell you there’s one way to do something or a way is the best way to do something. You have to find your own path to success. What works for someone (or hundreds of someones) may not work for you. And what works for you may not work for someone else. I am a member of a LOT of author support/advice groups because different authors have different methodology and strategy.

Be jealous of someone else’s success, but don’t be nasty about it. It’s human nature to feel a little bit of envy when someone else succeeds, especially someone who may have started at or around the same place you did. Don’t fall into the trap of being petty about it. Applaud their success. Ask them what they did to achieve it. Go get your own. You don’t lift yourself up by pulling someone else down.

Saying that, there seems to be a lot of drama in this community. If it does not involve you directly, do your best to stay out of it. Maybe pop some popcorn while you watch it play out, ‘cause that stuff can be highly entertaining, but do your best to avoid it.

More than anything, carry a notebook around with you. I have at least two at any given time — one for my current work in progress (because I don’t carry my laptop with me everywhere I go) and a small one to jot down plot bunnies when them come to me so I can remember them later. Oh! And get a note pad for the shower. I like this one: Aqua Notes Water Proof Note Pad. You’d be surprised at how often inspiration hits at the most inconvenient times. Hint: it works better if the paper is a little wet.

Am I the only one lucky enough to have never received bad advice? Find out here.